Guide To Google Keyword Planner for CPC | PPC Advertising

Yesterday i gone through publishing a list of top 15 SEO essentials where i urged some points are distinguished specially for beginners would be ultimately helpful also experts could practice over it. Whatever today i decided to work with  keyword analysis, competitive keywords, suggestion bids and some best alternatives of Google Keyword Planner. Keyword Planner is a best free keyword research and analysis tool powered by Google. It works to lead ideas for competitive keywords within Google Search Results are well planned out keywords and ad groups. Prior it was known as Google Keyword Tool where it was too old and adwords advertisers got a very poor idea of relevant keywords for monthly search volumes. Releasing a new interface Keyword Planner, Google informs the world new keyword tool is more relied traffic estimator, combined with full power of functionalities of the Keyword Tool to find new keyword ideas, ad group ideas, get performance estimated for particular keywords, traffic estimation and target your actual budget for running campaigns.

Guide To Google Keyword Planner for CPC | PPC Advertising

Today we'd discuss some basics of using Keyword Planner so that you could run proper campaigns with your targeted budget. Using keyword planner you can bid highest searches per month and it takes no money to run once you go for campaign you've to pay. Bloggers also get ideas of keywords to write optimized posts also webmasters track keywords for better SEO.

Difference Between Google Keyword Planner & Keyword Tool

  1. Keyword Planner is early of the year's released a successful keyword tracking tool for adwords campaigns a powerful interface in addition there are well planned out keywords and ad groups.
  2. Before releasing this interface on internet it's largely known as Keyword Tool which worked and can be accessed easily with Google Account, but Keyword Planner only works when you create an Adwords account. But you don't need to pay for it or run campaign
  3. In Google Keyword tool the results were used to show in broad match for average search results. You could change this to phrase match or exact match. Whereas Keyword Planner lets you viewing exact matches on keywords
  4. Keyword planner at the same time shows ad group ideas (where all related keywords are included one major) also keyword ideas for the exact term. This feature is totally advanced unlike Old Keyword Tool
  5. Keywords are also shown in graphical chart where users can bid the exact keyword before running a campaign. Also the suggested keywords are available to download in .CSV format
  6. With releasing new product of Keyword Planner Google is so happy, as it combines the functionality of the Keyword Tool and Traffic Estimator into a smooth, integrated workflow.

How To Get Started

To get started with Keyword Planner you simply need to create a Google Adwords Account. Don't worry you won't have to pay for any advertising but you need to have an account otherwise you will not be able to use it.
  • Go to Keyword Planner official page and sign in with your Google Account
  • From the Green tab click Tools and Analysis and choose Keyword Planner

Step #1 Search For Keyword and Ad Group Ideas

Once you select this option to search for keyword and ad group ideas you will be appeared with the following search form with relevant options

Keyword and AddGroup Ideas
  • Your products or service: Enter some keywords you want to search using commas per line. 
  • You landing page: The page where you run advertisements and bring traffic to a landing page. Google needs to review the landing page to find out perfectly suitable keywords that can be relevant to your campaign. Only for keyword research you may leave this blank.
  • Your product category:  Choosing this option will help Google to deliver the optimum searches for keywords under a specific category. For example if your campaign related to business or industrial purposes then choosing so will provide you closely matches your keywords. And your planning would be more likely to successful.
  • Targeting: You can set up various targeting options:
  • Location: Basically it remains default as all countries. If you want to track any specific country like only US, or Canada, UK, Australia or any other country where you do serving people with your business then this option would help you to get local search term that would be so help to grow your business locally.
  • Languages: Google Keyword Planner helps you to search keywords according to your suited language. Once you don't like English no problem you can choose your country based language as Google has a collaboration of different languages.
  • Search Engines: It remains default with Google but you can choose Google and other search partners, so you can track other search engines keyword competition those are partners of Google.
  • Negative Keywords: If there are particular keywords you want to exclude from your search enter them here.

Customize Your Search

Here are some options will strongly help you to run more than a valuable bid of targeted keywords.
  • Keyword Filters: One of the important areas for keyword research in this section. It includes avg. monthly searches, suggested bid, ad impr. share, and competition where you can suggest an amount for either higher, medium or lower search panel. If you want to find keywords that have a reasonable search volume you can specify a value here. You can also enter an average cost per click value here for higher or lower keyword competition.
  • Keyword Option: This will let you to leverage adult keywords not to show in the panel as these are one type of leading keywords whose are banned by Google Adwords or Adsense Policies.
  • Include/Exclude: You can include or exclude any particular keywords from your account.
When you're all set simply hit on Get Ideas button and you will be represented with the following page.

Ad Group Ideas

The adgroups are sorted by relevance with more likely to relevant keywords displayed first. The average monthly searches are the totally average for all the keywords within the adgroups. These are 12 monthly average based on an exact match for these particular keywords. For keyword research it is more than a focusing on the exact matches.

Adgroup Ideas

Next you can download this entire suggestions simply click on download button (top right hand area). If you're happy with this list simply hit on add all and you could find this list added with your advertising campaign

Once you click on any adgroup you can see the relevant keywords under one group with various monthly search volumes.

Adgroup Keywords

Rather choosing adgroup ideas you can select Keyword ideas where you will be represented by a breakdown list of keywords with individual monthly search term.

Step #2 Enter or Upload Keywords To See How They Perform

Another best option for doing keyword research is that entering your own keyword or uploading keywords. As the first option we described earlier, gives Google a chance to deliver the keyword suggestion for a broad range of adgroups and other related keywords of monthly search volume.

Search Volume of Keywords

If you don't want the suggestion but the only exact report of your typed keywords then use this option to enter in your keywords.

Simply type some relevant keywords using comma separation and hit Get Search Volume it will securely turn you to the following page

All the same options working here like keyword and adgroup ideas. On ad group ideas hit the link and you should see your all typed keywords separately with their monthly search volume, suggestion bid, competition, and ad impr. share reports. Directly hit the keyword ideas option will let you to see their stats individually.

Step #3 Get Traffic Estimates For A List of Keywords

This option helps you to determine how much you have to estimate per keyword or multiple group of keywords. Simply enter some keywords with comma separation or upload a file of keywords and hit Get Estimate. You will see a graph with Clicks, Impressions and CPC reports for various daily budgets according to your expected traffic on the basis of your keywords. Click on any point your daily estimates on right hand of the graph.

Traffc Estimate for Keywords

Step #4 Multiple Keyword List to Get New Keyword Ideas

The multiple keyword lists a quick way of entering multiple keywords combinations. You have the chance to create 2 different lists of keywords you want to perform.

Multiple Keyword Tracker

It will provide you the reports of daily estimated budget and ad group ideas of monthly search volume

Top 5 Alternatives of Google Keyword Planner

Following are the best suggestions and alternatives of Keyword Planner Tool. We arranged top 5 alternatives of Keyword Planner.

Bing Keyword Tools

Bing keyword Tool
Bing Provides an alternative to the Google Keyword Planner which is considered second best keyword analysis tool for better SEO and advertising campaigns. 


Wordtracker keyword research tool

WordTracker is one of the most popular keyword research tools which provides you the report of ultimate competition of keywords across the giant search engines to lead appropriate SEO for your blog or site.


Ubbersuggest Keyword Tool
This is most trendy keyword suggestion tool works with powerful deliverability of hot keywords around search engines Google, Bing, Yahoo. A suggested tool for maximum webmasters.

Google Trends:

Google Trends

This tools is an integrated part of Google Planner but it provides more constricted limits of keyword resources only trendy keywords get proper value here. It shows both the graph and average search volume including breakout reports. 


WordStream Keyword Research tool

One of the best alternatives of Keyword Planner. WordStream provides an Internet marketing software and tools which are designed to make your search marketing campaigns more organized and profitable.

Final Words:

I think i've covered the maximum points regarding Google Keyword Planner Tool, How to properly use it for PPC campaigns and other marketing purposes also mentioned some alternatives of Keyword Planner. After writing this post i can say Google Keyword Planner is most important and keyword research and analysis tool for every webmaster, SEO consultants and bloggers. I also suggest not to bid your keywords with limited tools only keyword planner is not enough to get ideas of internet giant keywords hence there are lots of search engines out of Google and bing also dominates over 37% coverage to leading traffic resources on internet. 

So going through all major keyword suggestion and analysis tools will ultimately help you choosing the right keyword so that you can play better with your campaign with no matter what about your budget. If you find tutorial help please don't forget to share. It would help us to grow.

Any regarded question is appreciated :)


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