8 Must Read Harmful SEO Link Building Strategies for Webmasters.

SEO Link building is the common factor that every webmaster gives value in order to build a mighty backlink depository around the web, social media and search engines. Definitely search engines give value articles to rank in search results those get huge visits, social media share and overall commenting. Keeping purposes of ranking pages in search results some of the bloggers or webmasters adopt illegal SEO link building(Black Hat SEO) that search engines do not allow according their webmasters guidelines.
Today's part of our guide we'd discuss some illegal and harmful SEO link building strategies that all other search engines including Google reject and take actions if they find any notification from users. Link building is accepted by search engines but not the way that we'd discuss below so that you can correct your link building habits and buildup a perpetual internet business across your site or blog.

8 Must Read Harmful SEO Link Building Strategies for Webmasters.

#1 Link Exchange With Lower Quality and PR Sites

One of the major issues that leads sites being ranked down by Google on search engine results pages. The common is that most of the bloggers try to get instant visits from their relative sites on any particular topic. On any specific topic (if it's most popular on internet) there are lots of articles we find on search engines (when we search using keywords) but the interesting thing is that the same writing style we find on various websites of the same content but not all the content shared on social networks. Definitely the man who published it first will get the maximum share and comments others will get fewer and the last one will get even fewer. So those people will adopt link exchange formula even with the lower quality and PR sites. Finally their sites being either trapped or spammed by search engines due to this adoption.

There are 3 cases to link exchange with websites or blogs.
  • If your site has no PR, your link exchange site has PR but low quality content and infringed link building so this cases will harm your site
  • Your site has PR but lower page visits and your link exchange site has no PR but huge page visits with may be infringed link building so your site may be harmed
  • If your site has quality content, good PR and applied all white hat SEO and same to your link exchanged site then both the link exchangers will remain safe according to Google and other Search engine

#2 Include Hidden Texts, Links With Guest Posts

Almost all of the bloggers and content writers are habited in writing guest blog in order to make their personal blog or site popular. But there are lots of ethics in writing guest blog that any of the rules you break will impact your site that is connected with your post. For example

You added hidden text or link with somehow using very small character like comma, hyphen, dashes, underscores or even with icons or images that you didn't inform the publisher. If the publisher doesn't check it and publish accordingly the users may click on that hidden link they will certainly move on your directed page. Instantly robots will check this link also the PR passing page, if the directed page is your site then definitely you made your site harmed with infringed link building.

So don't use such kind of produce in writing guest blog also inform the author that you've done this. If the author approve that is another case but normally every guest blog writer gets a general backlink of their personal blog that is secured

#3 Adopting Wrong Ways to Article, Email Marketing

Article, email marketers are accustomed to preparing custom templates that can easily attract people to click and proceed on any page. You might have thousands of ready made templates on internet to market your products using email or article marketing. Normally for email marketing strategy users may not click on that link that you sent, since almost 30% internet connected PCs are being hacked with clinking links from emails so to convince people through email you have to be thoroughly honest. And playing wrong with email marketing for your site will seriously hamper your site ranking to search engines and almost the same for article marketing.

#4 Integrate sitelinks with Gadgets to spread out widely

Coders are very well known to play with advanced scripts to operate the web and other technologies that deal with programming. We are also familiar with widgets, plugins that are built in specific frameworks or even by an author (who is a coder). We have seen that most of the premium widgets or plugins (for wordpress and other CMSs) that author launch and offer to buy also with 7 or 10 days free trial uses. The trial pack may include an auto generated backlink when users will install the widget on their site they will see the backlink but could not remove even if they remove it the widget will not work or break the function.

So such kind of procedure for link building will hamper the original site that is being linked

#5 Spam Commenting

One of the most important terms of SEO which almost all of the internet users are aware. First thing is that some bloggers have considered spam commenting as the biggest part of their link building as they're seeing that with spam commenting they're getting instant views with also some comments. But these things seriously affect your site content, it will degrade your site quality also will force Google to take manual actions on your site like affecting content with algorithm updates or entirely deleting your site from search directories of Google. There are certainly white hat rules in commenting, also you can add links but should be topic and discussion related not much only one. I suggest you to take commenting on Wordpress sites where every commenter gets auto generated link from their site and you can't add any more extra link. By this way you will forget to spam commenting and you could safe your site and your work.

#6 Posting spam on Forums

Forums are the places where the people gather with problems and answers to solve those problems. To join a forum you have to register also they will give you some rules, if you break any of them your account will be banned for a certain period. Doing spam their will not only lose your account but also hamper your site that is connected. So be serious before joining any forum, give value to people's problems and give solutions then use links if you think relevant enough to solve user's problem.

Related: Top 10 Biggest Community Forums.

#7 Violate to Q & A Sites

All the same like forum sites but Q & A sites like Yahoo answers, Stackoverflow, Google product forums etc. To join any of these platforms you can use your Google, Yahoo, Twitter or Facebook account, so you can login from anywhere of internet. If you violet any question your account may not be deleted but your site will be affected with infringed link building. So be serious before performing these platforms

#8 Violate to Squeeze Pages

Squeeze pages like templated pages that are prepared to market any product and these pages will pass traffic also PR. Squeeze pages are most popular on internet and some of the people use this formula to promote their products, affiliates or publisher ads but giving lower value to content. These kind of squeeze pages will hamper sites that are connected without using no follow. Se be serious before launching squeeze page campaigns to promote anything, before doing so remember the word for search engines.

See an example of Squeeze Page

Finally How About Your Link Building?

We have learnt a few about wrong and strictly harmful link building strategies that almost all of the spammers and newbies execute to quickly be popular on search engines. If you're with their group then this is the proper time to leave spam link building strategies that will no longer help to you but will seriously hamper you site indeed. 

Adopt white hat SEO techniques avoid Black hat, give value to writing great content and people's technical problems that search engines love and expect from every webmaster.

If you think that we've missed to add any other topic then please mention your one with our comments, thanks for reading and don't forget to share.

Wish you all secured and safe SEO Link Building to deal with search engines.



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