50 Most Useful SEO Tools for Webmasters, Website Owners and Bloggers!

When considering internet business you must get together some optimum tips of Search Engine Optimizations which is called in a word “SEO”. Once you're an internet marketer, affiliate, or website content writer – you promote you businesses with articles which are badly needed audiences to get live on search engines, social media and web directories. In this case SEO can easily help you to reach these articles to your targeted readers, consumers and clients.
As we know Google now regularly updating algorithms and releasing new versions when it comes to big analyzing to preserve content from the webspam, protect author rights, remove spam content from the web. To defend all these calamities on search directories and maintain better traffic and page ranks now a days have become one of the most crucial and discussed concerns on internet to regular content writers, bloggers, publishers, advertisers and website/blog owners.

50 Most Useful SEO Tools for Webmasters, Website Owners and Bloggers!
Today's part of our regular blog we'd meet you all some of the most important SEO tools to analyze your site performance, search keyword position, regular and monthly page visits with unique visitor, bounce rate, page speed analysis, visit times per user (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and more page visits from one user), site design, content shares, navigations and lots more matters that impact on your site's better standing on search engines. We've arranged a complete list of most used top 50 SEO tools for better expanding your SEO range and finally track a big portion of internet user.

Google Trends

Google Trends
Google Trends is the best free keyword research and suggestion tool for webmasters and bloggers which is totally freeware utility by Google providing both regional and graphical interests for each search term. It also suggests related searches on the basis of optimum rising score. The tool is officially organized for small business marketers, company bloggers and publishers. It suggests the hottrends on the search engines and overall search interests of late and vintages

Bing Keyword Tools

Bing Keyword Tools
Microsoft's official launch for webmasters and bloggers to analyze search keywords and adGroup terms through out Bing Keyword Tool. Bing's suggestions are applicable for several search engines (i.e. MSN, Live, AOL and Yahoo) so you can hit other major search engine terms with Bing Keyword Suggestion tool. Bing functions a suite for interested research tools and resources for webmasters.

Google Keyword Planner (Prior Known as Google Keyword Tools)

Google Keyword Planner
AdWord's Advertisers most favorite tool is Google Keyword Planner is being released last year replacing Google Keyword Tool. Now Google Keyword Planner's functions are more emphatic on each search term for both advertisers and publishers to market goods on internet. It supports various  performances to fetch out exact keyword for advertisers. I've written an elaborate guide to Google Keyword Planner for CPC and PPC marketing. Hope that it will help you to know more about this free tool.

Word Stream

Word Stream
WordStream which offers more than thousands of profitable keyword suggestions from its Free Keyword Tool with huge databases of more than a trillion unique searches. Use long-tail keywords like 'buy xbox 360' to see exactly how people search for a specific topic.

SEO Book Keyword Research Tool

SEO Book Keyword Research Tool
Aaron Wall's free SEO Book continues to be a most popular place for webmasters, small business marketers and bloggers. It provides a number of free tools with trendy concerns of Keyword Tools, Keyword Research, Web Analytics, Link Analytics, Page Rank Checker, Website Health Checker, Duplicate Content Checker, Competitive Research, Browser Extensions and much more. Uphold your contents and get the keyword ideas across the big search engines for your products SEO campaigns. Before to join you must be a registered user to get started with SEO Book.


A great place to analyze your keyword ideas to exposure the SEM(search engine marketing) secrets. It lets searching for any domain and watching every place that they've shown up on Google: Adwords keywords, Organic rank, Ad variation in the last 6 years. With 30-days free trial it is considered a great tool for tapping into your competitor’s strategies

Keyword Eye Basic

Keyword Eye Basic
A visual keyword suggestion tool which helps to identify the keywords being used to link your websites and blogs. It helps you to discover what keywords your competitors have a presence on organic and paid searches. It is a free and affordable suite to analyze visual keywords, competitor research tool to help growing your PPC, SEO and CTR campaigns.


An optimized keyword research tool which brings the suggestion of services from all the major internet service providers(Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia etc.) in one place. The interesting thing is that Soovle doesn't crawl the net - all services and their contents are the property of the respective providers. It's an identical keyword suggestion tool for internet marketers.


The tool i personally like as a best alternative of Google Keyword Planner. It brings the keyword suggests from Google and other similar sources. It also provides hottrends for relevant keyword patterns with histogram. The tool is integrated with Google and other big search engines so you can use them to build high quality website content


A free online keyword generator for SEO marketers, website owners and bloggers. It's a toolkit with varieties of different features designed to target keywords, and help with other areas of optimization as well.WordTracker includes a number of clients and consumers where they traditionally do SEO to promote products and lots of people frankly leave testimonials to them. 

Keyword Discovery

Keyword Discovery
The power of the generator is to collect datas from more than 200 search engines world wide. It includes a largest keyword database that contains nearly 38 billion searches. Keyword Discovery also offers language basis particular keyword suggestions and databases sourced from regional search engines and users from those regions, including: Australian, Canadian, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, UK and US with plans to offer many others. 

Micro Niche Finder

Micro Niche Finder
Specially the tool helps to choose the best keywords for your website and other niches you operate. It automatically identifies the keywords that have a high level of competition with a red marking, and those are more likely to speed in green.

Hit Tail

Hit Tail
A free keyword suggestion and keyword ideas generator. It helps to get more than targeted visitors to your websites and blogs by focusing on the most trending and organic keywords in your existing search traffic.

QuickSprout Website Analytics

QuickSprout Website Analytics
My personal keyword suggestion tool (created by Neil Patel) which helps to correct your SEO if you're doing wrong, if you think you're struggling to integrate your site with more visitors, page visits and real time organic traffic, the answer might lie in this free report of QuickSprout Website Analytics.

Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool

Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool
A free online web links checker with providing a full report of your links which might raise flagged by Google's Penguin algorithm updates.You might have a free keyword generator to get hot searches on the web. A friendly keyword based and other suggestive tool for content writers and publishers.


A free plagiarism checker tool. The software based tool superbly detects any duplicate content to verify that your content is original. Extremely helpful for professional writers and bloggers.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics
Google's property web analytics program prior known as Google Website Optimizer Tool which to instantly track regular page visits, unique visits, a group of sites that refer your pages, infected content also Google Algorithm updates infected areas across your site. and lots more technical resources are available here. With a Google account you can easily join this freeware web utility to markup your sites and start exploring your content popularities on the web

Google Analytics API

Google Analytics API
The free web based Google Analytics API is great for building your websites customized reports and tools, which helps in pulling data straight into Excel or Google Docs.

Google Map Maker

Google Map Maker
Amongst all other products from Google Developers, Map Maker allows you to contribute to public map information, which may be shared or incorporated into Google Maps. It helps you to create and easily get local search terms with Google businesses.

Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools
Google webmaster tool is originally created for website owners to claim their sites on search engines, submit sitemaps, report crawl errors, remove broken links, URL parameters, data highlighters etc. tools within webmaster dashboard help to keep fit your sitemap health and you get a good result when the terms appear on search engines. You need a Google account to join this program and claim your multiple businesses

Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing Webmaster Tools
Microsoft's property Bing webmaster tools helps the website owners to claim their sites into Bing local search results. Once you have a Microsoft account you can easily sign in to Bing webmaster tool. Adding multiple sites, sitemaps, report crawl errors, remove miss links or copyrights, export crawl errors in .csv or .txt files are such of the most useful features of this tool

Google Page Speed Insights

Google Page Speed Insights
Track your site performance, speed of loading time, interior infected JavaScript which hampers page load on desktop or mobile devices and all other technical reports on Google Page Speed Insights. Every pro blogger should check their site performance by this tool which is recommended by Google. 

Google Public Data

Google Public Data
Google Public Data Explorer makes large data sets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. Google public data incorporates a great starting point for content research, infographics, and more.

Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool

Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool
To know how you site's snippets appear in Google's search results with SEO Mofo. You can add more additional structured data, review stars, and more to optimize your content for better experience your Search Engine Results.

Google Structured Data Testing Tool

Google Structured Data Testing Tool
If you use Schema.org microformats or any other type of structured data, this tool will verify your markup and report to you exactly how your site search appears on Google. 

Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt Generator
A freeware utility which allows you to generate robots.txt files for leveraging search engine robots and other advertising robots to prevent them indexing your pages of your site. 

URI Valet

URI Valet
Header Checker Tool allows you to view total number of objects (with http requests), time to download, object details, documents, internal and external links along with verifying server side headers for each.

Keyword Density Checker

Keyword Density Checker
An identical tool for website content writers and bloggers to track the keyword density of the exact article. It plays a great role to content SEO since there is a limit for inputting keywords within an article as normally bloggers should involve 2-4% keyword density into the article and transcending this limit may be penalized by Google Penguin Update. This will result to lose organic search traffic also degrades page rank.


One of the most favorite tools to Search Engine Optimization for bloggers with a group of useful stuffs (extensions, plugins for browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera and more). After installation, the tool restarts your browser and you could find a tab with corresponding SEO information for a specific page that you load.

Open Site Explorer

Open Site Explorer
The dynamic explorer which provides information for a certain page that you enter. You can find the detailed information of site author, site health, site referred urls and other technical reports. 


A complete backlink checker and site explorer to easily check the backlinks of your site. It provides reports on total number of backlinks, referred URLs and sites, backlinks with nofollow and dofollow, the location of backlinks and much more.


Alexa - The Web Information Company is most trusty and reliable free website analytics program which provides information of traffic rank, daily page visits per visitor, total sites linking in, bounce rate, visit time, popular keywords of your site, most visited countries and graphical charts for sites that are below <~100000 of global traffic rank. You can check your sites traffic position using this tool

Title and Description Optimization Tool

Title and Description Optimization Tool
A free SEO tool which helps to optimize title tags and tweak meta description tags. It's really needed to optimize title and meta description tag for any website to get better rank of pages on search engines when it comes to different search results pages. Using this free Title and Description optimization tool you can analyze your search keywords, improve them for better appearing on search results.

Image SEO Tool

Image SEO Tool
We don't take care always to optimize images but we need to do since image optimization is one of the SEO concerns because robots can index images which include properties (Alt, Rel and Title). Naturally images are hardly needed to optimize more but sometimes the information are really important to focus on image name, alt attribute, and dimensions etc. Using this tool helps to optimize your images for better SEO

Schema Creator

Schema Creator
Structured data is a better way for search engine machines to make sense of content in your HTML. Google and other search engines created a structured data standard called Schema.

Google Snippet Preview

Google Snippet Preview
Check how your snippets appear on Google and other relevant search engine result pages. The snippet that appears in Google Search is usually taken from these meta tags.

Pingdom Website Speed Tool

Pingdom Website Speed Tool
Free Pingdom Speed Test Tool tests the load time of a page, analyzes it, suggests to fix errors likewise Google page speed insights. It also suggests on DNS issues, and connectivity

Microsoft Free SEO Toolkit

Microsoft releases free downloadable SEO Toolkit which helps to review your website and make the required changes for better experience of your SEO. The SEO Toolkit with its detailed analysis and search engine friendly suggestion helps to improve the relevance of your website in search results right away(specially for Bing, MSN, Live and AOL search)

Internet Marketing Ninjas SEO Tools

Internet Marketing Ninjas SEO Tools
Ninjas is a full SEO serving company which offers almost everything you need to be succeeded online affiliate and internet marketer. They are some of the best SEOs and online marketers on internet. Millions over people hire ninjas to do SEO and ninjas offers some premium tools for free.


A free web analytics tool alerts you anytime somehow links to your website. Great for outreach and acumen gathering.

Remove Duplicate Items

Remove Duplicate Items
Ontolo holds a suite of link building software and a few helpful efficiency tools for link builders. It's a given solution through out removing duplicate content.

Seer's SEO Toolbox

Seer's SEO Toolbox
Seer offers a best performance of free SEO reports for content development to the internet marketers. It's integrated with Google Analytics, SEO Moz, Majestic SEO, Twitter, Cleanup Data, Google Scraper, Raven SEO Tools, Klout and more.

SEO Gadget Links API

SEO Gadget Links API
A free SEO Gadget Links API lets your easily track backlinks date also provide SEO information. A gather of all SEO treasury for webmasters.


The application integrates your content with most popular and important social networking websites so that you can easily embed posts on social media with one click once you installed Buffer app addons on firefox or extensions for chrome.

Sitemap Generators

Sitemap Generators
Google offers a free listing of web-sitemap generator tools that generate or maintain files in the XML Sitemaps format, an open standard defined on sitemaps.org and supported by the search engines such as Ask, Google, Microsoft Live Search and Yahoo!.

Google Page Rank Checker

Google Page Rank Checker
A free PR checker tool enables you to check the current pagerank of your web site instantly. It's completely a free service to check Google pagerank.

Robots.txt checker

Robots.txt Checker
Use the best practices on robots and discover the hidden errors in your robots.txt files that may cause search engine crawling problems seriously.

Majestic SEO

Majestic SEOFind out how all other websites on the internet link to each other with the largest Link Intelligence databases on the planet. This agency surely provides you a detailed information about how the fabric of the web is knitted together.

Moz Bar

Moz Bar
Moz provides a standard SEO toolbar for legions of marketers. The MozBar allows you to perform over 50 key tags right from your browser. Recommended for webmasters.

Final Drinks:

This tutorial first appeared on Shoutmeloud.com where i'm a part time contributor and i've written this article. I just have reproduced the words and made an elegant job for small business marketers, and content writers who are struggling to get theme resolved with reliable SEO techniques. You can go through all these SEO tools but i strictly recommend obtaining minimalism to perform better the web.

If you have any personal SEO suggestion don't forget to share.


  1. Some Free Seo Tools To Become A Succesful Blogger . And Get Top 5 Rank in Google Search .




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