Twitter Account Suspended! — How to Reactivate Twitter?

Now days Twitter suspending number of accounts without notifying the violations prior to suspension of an account to the user but this is primarily though that the victim has crossed Twitter's terms of services and finally Twitter has taken manual action upon his/her account (regarding account suspension or anything else). The concept is that Twitter makes sure a service that allows users to discover and receive content from sources that they're interested and to share their content with others. But sometimes users push mischievous content within their tweets e.g. links with malicious or porn content, affiliated links etc. finally these activities lead to spam content and twitter manually checks and violates the tweeters who made it.
Thus account suspension occurs and we search for the cure of ailment we suffer. There are different types of tutorials you may follow to right use of Twitter accounts but after suspension of twitter account there is only one solution is to appeal Twitter and if they accept your application you will again get back your account with full rights.

Twitter Account Suspended! — How to Reactivate Twitter?
From today's tutorial we'd learn the core points of a Twitter account suspension and how to retrieve your account by expediting your application. So read thoroughly and garner ideas that will help you...

#1: Multiple Accounts: 

Twitter never allows users to create multiple accounts under one PC, IP Address in this purpose of disruptive or abusive the services, or with overlapping use cases. Mass account creation is totally violating to Twitter's terms & services and may result in suspension of all the related accounts.

#2: Targeted Abuse: 

You may not engage users in targeted abuse or further harassment. There are some factors that Twitter take into action when determining that conducts that are considered to be targeted abuse or harassment are
  • Sending messages to a user from multiple accounts
  • Sole purpose is to send abusive messages to others
  • Reported behavior that is one-sided or includes threats

#3: Username Squatting: 

It means shortening an username for the sake of misusing any concept or services. In most cases Twitter suspends accounts without any further notice those are inactive for more than six months. Here are some issues that Twitter takes into actions regarding Username Squatting
  • If number of accounts created
  • Accounts created for the purpose of preventing others from using those usernames
  • Accounts created for the purpose of selling those usernames
  • Using feeds from third-party content (Feedburner feed or its alternatives) to keep updated and maintained accounts under the names of those third parties.

#4: Invitation Spam:  

You must not use's official address book contact import to send repeat, and mass invitations.

#5: Selling Usernames: 

Twitter solely hates buying and selling Twitter usernames.

#6: Malware/Phishing:  

Publishing links that redirect to pages having malicious content that may lead to interrupt any user's browser or even damage any functionality of computer is truly committed by Twitter to cancel any account by the instant.

#7: Spam Activity: 

Twitter doesn't permit users to use their services to do spam across their legacy. What exactly constitutes "Spamming" is just your infringements upon any user in purpose of cheating, dozing, cloaking etc. The main issue that reasons to Spam is using another account to get benefited in different objectives like (affiliates, referrals, links to malware/click jacking pages, etc.)

Here are some issues that Twitter takes into actions regarding Spam activity
  • Following and/or unfollowing large number of users in a shorter moment, somehow adopting automation means (auto tweet, follow softwares) for the sake of growing larger community across twitter
  • Repeatedly follow or unfollow people, intending to build followers garner more
  • If you updates mainly consist of links, tweets but not personal updates
  • If a large number of people are blocking to you
  • If Twitter finds a large number of spam complaints have been defiled against you
  • If you publish duplicated content over multiple accounts or multiple duplicated updates on one account
  • If you publish multiple unrelated updates to a topic using hash (#) tag, trending or popular topic, or promoted trend
  • If you send large number of duplicate @replies or mentions
  • If you send large numbers of unsolicited @replies or mentions in an aggressive attempt to bring attention to a service or link
  • If you add larger number of unrelated users into your following lists in attempt to bring more attention to an account, service or link
  • Creating false or misleading content in an attempt to drive more attention to an account, service or link
  • Using automation to favorite tweets/retweets randomly or aggressively in an attempt to bring attention to an account, service or link
  • If you post other user's account information as yours (bio, Tweets, url, etc.)
  • Selling or Purchasing followers
  • Tweeting misleading links (e.g. affiliate links, links to malware/click jacking pages, etc.)

#8: Pornography Content:  

The terms and services of Twitter are entirely reserved by Twitter Inc. that warn account users not to use obscene or pornographic content in place of your profile photo, header photo or even profile background.

How you can indicate that your account is suspended?

Once your account is suspended by Twitter team you will see following nag below when you are logged in:

Discussed above are the rules of user experiences for account holders. In case of any term Twitter files against you no doubts they will cancel your account without any prior notice.

Expedite Your Appeal Process:

After making sure your account is suspended there are still some tasks you have to do to retrieve your account back. Yes! you have to appeal to Twitter so that they will notify about your account and accept your application. 

But Twitter will not accept your application until or unless you remove the fraudulent activities e.g. tweets, abusive links, images, videos, texts etc. materials (that lead your account to be suspended) from your account

To expedite the appeal process, please check to make sure your account is currently suspended by logging in. You can then go ahead to expedite the appeal process.

How to Appeal Your Account Suspension?

Finally you have to appeal to Twitter Inc. on behalf of your account retrieval that has been suspended lately defiling that you have broken any rules of Twitter. Click this link and you'll be on the appeal page to report a problem to the support team

How to fill up the form?

1. Take the issue of your application as "Suspended account"
2. Fill up the subject box with relevant cause that you think is the issue of your account suspension i.e. if you think its for malware activity then type
"Account suspension due to malware activity"
3. Fill up the box of Description of problem with the exact reasons of why you did this and how it played wrong. You must fill it up with relevant causes and very intelligently so that Twitter may reactivate your account again
4. Type you Full name also provide Phone number
5. Finally input captcha and hit the Submit button

You will get the feedback message from Twitter team into your inbox within several business days that twitter will tell you after you submit the application.

How To Assure Best Practices of Twitter?

On Twitter there are such kinds of users who are still present till 7 or 8 years! how they did? because they use Twitter account for the purpose of communication that is the main aspect of Twitter Inc. If you proven this then you could be using a Twitter account for a longer period as far as you concern. 

Find the best practices of Twitter, and Automation rules and best practices for a more detailed discussion.

If you find tutorial helpful don't forget to share it on Twitter, Facebook and Google+, also leave us comment if you're facing this trouble.



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