The 404 error page is a common issue for any website. Everyday lots of URLs are removed due to invalid content, old content, expired session, or spam content. So these URLs result as 404 error page in Google Webmaster Tools reports. The only way to fix this error is to redirect them permanently on existing post. In Blogger there is not specific plugin to fix this issue but only one way is to use custom 404 redirect and fix the problem but this too much time consuming, so you can make a productive 404 error page which does not show only 404 signal but with quality information the visitors can choose and get helpful.

In blogger this also can be fixed of 404 error page title. By using condition tag we can fix this trouble. Today by this tutorial i will show how you can fix 404 error page headline in Blogger in less than 3 minutes.
What is 404 Error Page?
404 Error page means a broken link that directs to specific path which is blocked by robots.txt is unable for web crawlers to crawl that page and results a 404 error page in Crawl error report on Google webmasters tools. There are several ways to fix this issue as lots of URLs are removed everyday due to invalid content, old content, expired session, or spam content. So these URLs result 404 error page if not being fixed or setting up permanently redirect that means 301 redirect.
How to Fix 404 Error Page Easily?
In Google webmasters tools you may always see Crawl errors report also server error. The easy way to fix this error by choosing "Mark as fixed" option which means these URLs (marked as 404) will never be shown if they're being solved.You can use Broken link checker to find 404 error pages within your content, by removing those broken links you can reduce crawl errors positively. Another one issue is old sitemap, which means you're not updating your sitemap long days but recently you have removed some URLs due to panda algorithm hit, so these URLs you've removed will show 404 error in crawl errors. You can update your sitemap and this problem will be fixed by 4/5 working days.
What is 404 Error Page Title in Blogger?
When a 404 error page title appears through browsers to the visitors what headline or title the browser shows. In a custom 404 error page it may show any specific title like "The site headline", "Any promotional title" etc. but normally it shows no title in case of Blogger templates except browser's default text.So now can fix this issue quite easily, using a special title tag which is customizable and fully SEO optimized
How to Fix Blogger 404 Error Page Title
- First of all go to and login your account
- Select your blog and go to template section
- Now backup your template if you want to reset changes
- Now copy following title tag snippet and add right after <head> tag
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "error_page"'>
<data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/>
Page Not Found | <data:blog.title/>
The blue highlighted code defines the title/headline will go first for any post or pageThe red highlighted code defines your blog title will go next to post or page title, see below example
The pipe | is the separator between post title and blog title
How to Make Money Online? | The Wild BloggerHere's "How to Make Money Online?" is the post or page title, | is the pipe you can change it with dash "-" or underscore "_" or any characters, "The Wild Blogger" is the blog title
How to Make This SEO Optimized?
If you want your pages seo Optimized then you can remove this line " | <data:blog.title/>" since for specific post or page every time blog title will appear and that's why you can remove blog title and only post/page title will appear on search results and this is a quality SEO signal that is search engine friendly.404 Error Page Fixation.
For every 404 error page this title will come first "Page Not Found" then a pipe "|" and last your blog title "<data:blog.title/>"You can change the text replacing "Page Not Found"you can also remove blog title "<data:blog.title/>"
Finally save your template and you've almost fixed your 404 error page title
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