Blogger Headline Structure | Set H1, H2, H3 Tags To Optimize Search Engines

Heading tags are one of the most important constructive feature of HTML pages when it comes in both on-page and off-page SEO. It automatically defines search engines all about your blog content and how they're interconnected. HTML Headline is one type of simple markup language that defines the properties of an URL to search engines basically the title tag, meta title, keywords, descriptions etc. This structure of web pages make it possible for Webkit browsers to view content, cellphones to view the content, and screen readers to read the content aloud. The most common issue about HTML Headlines is the properly fixation which will be search engine optimized and help search robots to index pages easily. Headlines are simply defined by H1, H2, H3 etc. tags where H1 is the most important tag according to the view of search engines, next to less important tag H2 and finally H3.

Blogger Headline Structure | Set H1, H2, H3 Tags To Optimize Search Engines

Any type of wrong configuration will seriously result your pages being ignored by search engines. By today's tutorial we'd discuss some very basic things of Headline tags and how to setting for blogger to optimize content.

8 Basic Principles About HTML Headings

  1. The most important headline on any page should be the H1 tag
  2. You can signify Homepage title as H1 tag also can do same for content title
  3. Sub-headlines should be signified by H2 and the sub sub-headline is H3
  4. Heading tags should be enriched with search terms so that search robots will love to index content
  5. If your heading tags include no search term, so what i can say a wasted heading after all
  6. Keywords should be properly set according to their search terms gradient on search engines
  7. Should not include images for headlines, which is just considered a bad SEO idea
  8. Let robots index all the available headings in your site and never resist them using robots.txt that is also a bad idea

Importance of Using H1, H2, H3, H4 Headlines

If you think of a Web page as an outline, you've to think of most important element Heading tags (H1, H2 etc.) which serve to divide the page into sections. The most important headline of your page is H1 headline which generally indicates the topic of your entire webpage also signifies individual contents. When search robots read a website to index, it reads the code directly (specially hunt for heading tags) not the snazzy presentation that humans see. Since search engines first priority is to provide people the ultimate results on the basis of different search terms, also they try the same techniques to determine what page is about. Hence content in the H1 tag will be considered the most important component to help search engines represent a page with detailed information. The sub headings should be signified with H2 Headline and respectively sub sub-headline to H3, thus lowest important tags will be set with H4, H5 and H6(The final HTML tag). Your sidebar titles are least important to search robots so that you can set H4 tag for sidebar title also do same for footer section titles (because they are also least important)

Here Is A Structure Of Total Six Heading Tags of Any Website

Based on different headings, there are available tools that can make an outline for your content. According to the headlines every HTML page is structured so that robots can index even a single piece of content very easily. Heading tags should be set only to optimize content not in the hierarchy that will improve your post rank when it comes to SERPs(Search Engine Result Pages)

The Headings for Your Homepage

To let the search engines index your webpage you must set an HTML Headline for it. You can either do it manually editing your homepage tags or install plugin to handle the task. Here is an instructive guide of how to set Heading tags for homepage
<h1>Your Blog's Header Title</h1>
<h3>Your Blog's Header Description</h3>

<h2>Your Blog's Header Widget Title</h2>
<h3>Your Blog's Header Widget Description</h3>

The Headings for Your Content

Your content is the king of your entire blog since the traffic lands on your page only to read content not for the highly optimized design, your page speed or any other third party issues. Here is a constructive guide of setting heading tags for your post content.
<h1>Title of The Post</h1>
<h2>Sub Title of The Post</h2>
<h3>Sub Sub-Title of The Post</h3>

<h2>Second Sub Title of The Post</h2>
<h3>Second Sub Sub-Title of The Post</h3>

<li>Sample Bullets 1</li>
<li>Sample Bullets 2</li>
<li>Sample Bullets 3</li>

<h4>Any Special Notification Regarded The Tutorial</h4>
<h5>Download/Demo Page<h5>

<h2>Conclusion Part of Your Post</h2>

Heading Tags for Sidebar

Although sidebar includes less important content despite that we have to set taglines for sidebar contents. Basically you maintain subscription widget, recent posts, publisher ads, recent comments, popular posts, multi tab etc. widget content on sidebar. Setting a proper Headline for sidebar will help search engines to crawl each your sidebar content that will also be visible in search results sitelinks.
<h4>Your Sidebar Title</h4>

Heading Tags for Footer

As like as sidebar content, Headline for footer content is also least important part to search engines. Generally we add author profile widget, categories, recent comments, affiliate banner, DMCA protection badge and other misc content on footer. But these things are also needed to let search engine index and evaluate. Set the same tagline for footer content as like as Sidebar
<h4>Your Footer Title</h4>

How To Properly Set Headlines in Blogger?

Till now we discussed the very basic constructive features of Headlines of a regular html website and blog. All these settings are search engine friendly and recommended by SEO experts. Now we'd learn how to properly edit your blogspot xml format to set Heading Tags and fix errors if your template bearing any mistake about heading tags till today.

Generally blogger uses a default setting for necessary heading tags including Your Blog Title, First post's title, Second post's title, Sidebar Gadget title and all these are automatically set for official blogger templates. These features are not well search engine optimized so blogger templates get ranked on search engines when it comes to the comparison of CMS based blogging platform.

But the in custom blogger templates we bring much more optimization for our content including heading tags, meta data setting, setting for description tag and meta description, setting keywords and dynamic meta tags within right closing </head> tag. Now read the below instruction to properly set Headlines in both Custom and Official Blogger Templates

Set Headlines For Header

1. Go to Blogger > Template
2. Backup Your Template
3. Click on Edit HTML
4. Now search for id='header-inner'
5. Below this line you should see heading tag for header
6. Now make sure all the heading tags within header is set properly to
 <h1 class='title'>
          <b:include name='title'/>
Set Headlines For Header

Set Headlines For Post Body

1. Again search for ='post-title entry-title'
2. You should see the line is tagged with <h3....</h3>

Blogger default post title tag

4. Now replace the <h3....</h3> tag with <h1....</h1>

Blogging optimized post title tag setting

Set Headlines For Sidebar

1. Again search for ='sidebar
2. Below this section you should see different widgets
3. Now hit on the black arrow and it will expand
4. Within <b:includable....</b:includable> tag you should see heading tag for that widget
5. Now replace the <h2....</h2> tag with <h4....</h4>

Sidebar headline setting

6. Do same for all the widgets under ='sidebar

PS: If you have divided sidebar sections and multiple widgets then individually set heading tags to <h4...</h4>. Once you add extra widget on sidebar the heading tag will be automatically set to <h2...</h2> so you need to manually convert it to <h4>...</h4>

Set Headlines For footer/Lower Section

1. Finally search for ='lower'  or ='footer'
2. Below this line you should see several widgets
3. Click on black arrow of widget and it will be expanded
4. Now search for following code within <b:includable...</b:includable> tag
<h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
5. Now convert it into following tag
<h4 class='title'><data:title/></h4>
Set Headlines For footer

6. Do same for other content widget under footer or lower section

Note: Once you add extra widget under footer/lower section the heading tag will be automatically set to <h2...</h2> so you need to manually convert it to <h4>...</h4>

7. Finally save your template and all the heading tags of your blog is now fixed and optimized for search engines

Final Words:

I think finally you have learnt the basic budding blocks of optimized Headlines, What is it? and How to properly set headlines in blogger. Now it’s time for you to take some actions. Go and use the W3 Validator now to check your blog’s outline. If you’ve read an understood all the above, you should now be able to determine whether your template is doing a good job. 

If you find this tutorial helpful then don't forget to share it on social media, your each share will help us to grow our audience. Also let me know any suggestion if you have

Peace and blessings fellows :)


  1. Thnak you Thank you for your useful tuto :)

  2. This is a awesome post for a Blogger user.The tips were really awesome and I am trying to follow these tips for my blog. Thanks Admin for sharing.

  3. Nice information but i am still confused about setting for extra widget. I am planning to give it a try on my blog to check the improvements. Please suggest anything you guys notice for the improvement of my blog. The link of my blog is:

  4. Thanks for interesting share, Keep it up and update your more interesting share.

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  5. Sir What If I do not use these tags for my site.

    1. Properly setting up Headline tags are good SEO practice for blogs. If you put these wrong then you would lose SEO benefits for sure. You can start a beginner guide from Moz to learn more about Blog headlines that are valued for SEO.



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